At Reliant Data Solutions, we have extensive experience in the tech industry, and we have received many questions about various aspects of technology over the years. One question we get often boils down to “How does cloud storage work?” While an increasing number of people use this technology every day, relatively few have a clear understanding of how it actually functions. In this article, we will do our best to shed some light on the matter, providing a brief overview of cloud storage and how it works.
The first thing you need to know about how cloud storage works is that it relies on the Internet. Essentially, rather than storing files on your local hard drive, your computer uploads those files onto a remote database maintained by a third party. Your files will be stored on servers, and when you need them again, your computer will reach out to that network and retrieve the files, the same way that it would get website data from the server it is stored on.
One of the benefits of cloud storage is that it frees up space on your physical hard drive, which allows you to store more information and ensures that your computer can work faster. Another benefit of cloud storage is that, rather than storing your files in a single location, it stores copies of your files on multiple servers, which prevents your data from becoming lost. In addition, it gives you the freedom to work on your files from anywhere, on any device, as all you will need to do is log into the cloud to summon the files you need.